State of the Art and Development on Test Method for Diffusion
Coefficient of Chloride Ions in Concrete
By K. Takewaka, T. Sugiyama, T. Maruya adn K. Yamada
Concrete Jornal, Vol.43, No.2, Feb. 2005
- Synopsis
- Test methods for diffusion coefficient of chloride ions in concrete were published from Japan Society of Civil English in 2004. One method is named 'Test method for effective diffusion coefficient of chloride ions in concrete by migration ', and the other one is called 'Test method for apparent diffusion coefficient of chloride ions in concrete by immersion in salt water'. Not only the details of test methods but also mechanisms of chloride ions movement in concrete are explained in this commentary, so theoretical backgrounds of these test methods are easy to be understoos. An outline of EPMA method, which is used to determine chloride ions content, are given with an example of measurement. It is refered to how to utilize chloride ions cofficient measured from these methods in a concrete performance verification system.
- Keywords:
- chloride ions, effective diffusion coefficient, apparent diffusion coefficient, migration test method, immersion test method, sampling by drilling EPMA