Application of CLSM in Japan
By H. Mizuguchi, O. Onodera, T. Horiguchi and H. Ii
Concrete Journal, Vol.42, No.10, Oct. 2004
- Synopsis
- CLSM (Controlled Low-Strength Material) is widely used in North America as a flowable fill. However CLSM is relatively new in the construction in Japan. CLSM consists of cement (small quantity), fine aggregate, fly ash, water and chemical admixture. CLSM is generally qualified by the three major properties as follows; 1) compressive strength 2) flowability (flow value) 3) segregation resistance (bleeding). Although the standard values depend on the purpose of using and application, the general value of compressive strength, flow value and rate of bleeding are about 0.3 to 0.5 N/mm2 (in the case of future excavation), 200 to 220 mm and >3%, respectively. The characteristics of CLSM are removability for future excavation, high flowability and excellent self-hardnening and self-compacting properties.
- Keywords:
- CLSM, compressive strength, flowability, segregation resistance, self-compacting, self-hardnening, future excavation