Damage Estimation of Reinforced Concrete Interior Beam-column
Joints by Applying Fractal Geometry
By M. Teraoka, K. Hayashi, S. Sasaki and N. Takamori
Concrete Journal, Vol.42, No.8, Aug. 2004
- Synopsis
- The purpose of this study is to estimate the damage of interior beam-column joints subjected to an earthquake loading, which brings to establish performance-based seismic design for reinforced concrete frames and diagnosis methods of damaged reinforced concrete buildings by earthquake. Concretely, by using many test data for interior beam-and-column subassemblages tested by authors, estimation of restoring force characteristics on relationships between shear forces and shear distortions of joint panels, of relationships between shear distortion and shear crack widths, and of damaged levels of shear cracks and compressive failure by applying fractal dimension analysis, are carried out. Further, based on the results of this studies and on our previous works for estimation methods of structural performance on beams, columns, and subassemblages, damage estimation methods at structural design and at diagnosis for buildings damaged by earthquake, are proposed.
- Keywords:
- reinforced concrete framed structure, beam-column joints, performance-based seismic design, diagnosis of damaged building by earthquake, restoring force characteristics, fractal geometry