Survey on the International State of Seismic Vulnerability of
Building Structures
By T. Shimazu
Concrete Journal, Vol.42, No.7, Jul. 2004
- Synopsis
- This paper presents the results of survey on the international role of seismic
technology in reducing human losses due to building collapses in many earthquake-prone
The items dealt with are as follows : 1. Historical survey on human losses due to earthquakes. 2. Discussions of measured high values of PGA (Peak Ground Acceleration) and PGV (Peak Ground Velosity) in relation with seismic intensity scales (JMA and MM scales). 3. Comparison of seismic design code levels. 4. Introduction of case studies on prediction of building collapse ratios versus PGA or MM scales. 5. Introduction of key points in securing the seismic safety of masonry or reinforced concrete building structures. 6. Discussion of human loss ratios versus national income levels.
Finally, the international development as well as spreads of high seismic technology, such as that of Japan is greatly encouraged. - Keywords:
- Human losses, PGA, seismic design code, building collapse ratios, seismic safety, national income levels