An Outline of "Guidelines for Performance Evaluation of
Earthquake-Resistant Reinforced Concrete Buildings (Draft)" by Architectural
Institute of Japan
By T. Kabetasawa
Concrete Journal, Vol.42, No.7, Jul. 2004
- Synopsis
- "Guidelines for Performance Evaluation of Earthquake-Resistant Reinforced Concrete Buildings (Draft)" was published from Architectural Institute of Japan(AIJ) in January 2004. The report outlines the guidelines. The guidelines proposed a method for evaluating actual seismic performance level of a reinforced concrete building, which has been designed based on an appropriate design guidelines. The seismic performance level is expressed with the basic seismic capacity index in the standard deterministic procedure, which is defined as the amplitude ratio of the limit earthquake intensity to the standard earthquake intensity for each limit state, when the estimated response of the structure attained to the limit state. The limit states of the structures are selected on the inelastic load-deformation curve based on the residual damage levels of members as four levels: (1) serviceability, (2) reparable I, (3) reparable II, and (4) safety. Probabilistic evaluation on the seismic performance is also presented as an additional procedure. Performance level are expressed as the excessive probability of the response over the limit state within the design service life of the building considering deviations of earthquake intensity, response estimation, and limit state evaluation. Practical evaluation methods for the demands and the limit states are presented in the guidelines, which are based on recent experimental and analytical research.
- Keywords:
- Limit states, Seismic performance evaluation, Serviceability, Reparability, Safety