The Fatigue Characteristics and Structural Design of Porous Concrete
Pavement with Flexibility
By T. Watanabe, Y. Todoroki and S. Iwai
Concrete Journal, Vol.42, No.4, Apr. 2004
- Synopsis
- The mix design, mechanical properties, dynamic properties and fatigue characteristics of the porous concrete with certain flexibility were examined by laboratory experiments. Furthermore, the structural design method for porous concrete pavement applied to roadway was discussed based on the result of examination of fatigue tests. The results of experiments shows that the porous concrete has more than twice the fracture strength of ordinary concrete and acknowledging the flexibility though the flexural strength is slightly inferior to ordinary concrete. Taking note on this flexibility the applicability of the method of structural design based on multi-layers elastic theory was ascertained to be feasible, though there remain some points to be inspected.
- Keywords:
- porous concrete, mix design, fexibility, fatigue characteristics, structural design of pavement