Pumpability of High Strength Lightyweight Concrete Using Artificial
Lightweight Aggregate
By H. Otsuka, K. Tsukahara, Y. Nakano and Y. Sato
Concrete Journal, Vol.41, No.12, Dec. 2003
- Synopsis
- The Toji-Ohashi has been designed as a 4-span continuous balanced PC arch bridge in Itsuki-mura, Kumamoto Prefecture. The adoption of artificial lightweight aggregate concrete for this bridge is under consideration for the purpose of the cost curtailment by the reducing of bridge weights. In order to apply the high strength lightweight concrete using artificial lightweight aggregate for this bridge, this report investigates the pumpability, and describes the mix design test, the evaluation of pumpability by bleeding test of concrete under pressure, the large scale pumpability tests at the construction site and check of concrete placing by actual size specimens.
- Keywords:
- lightweight concrete, artificial lightweight aggregate, pumpability, pressurization test, bleeding test