Technical Trend for Seismic Capacity of Unembedded Type of SRC
Column Bases
By Y. Sawamoto, T. Fukumoto, R. Shohara and K. Imai
Concrete Journal, Vol.41, No.10, Oct. 2003
- Synopsis
- Unembedded type column base connections in SRC structures have been applied because the unembedded type connection can be more simply constructed than embedded type connections. However the unembedded connections were damaged in the Great Hanshin Earthquake. In general, column base connection in SRC structures subject to tensile axial forces are designed as the embedded connections. There are few studies on seismic capacity of the unembedded connections under high tensile axial forces. It is necessary to collect much experimental data in order to establish the earthquakeproof design method of the embedded bases. This paper outlines the damages of SRC column bases, research activities aimed at clarifying elasto-plastic behavior, aapraisal methods for predicting strength and deformation capacity of column bases, and future technical trend for research and development of unembedded type of SRC column bases.
- Keywords:
- SRC Structure, Unembedded Type Column Base, Tensile Axial Force, Flexural Strength, Deformation Capacity