Techniques Utilizing By-product Powder Generated During Recycled
Aggregate Production
By T. Ishikura, K. Ohnishi, H. Ogawa and K. Yokoyama
Concrete Journal, Vol.41, No.6, Jun. 2003
- Synopsis
- For materializing aggregate reclamation of the concrete generated from nuclear power plant dismantling, the byproduct powder occurred during the aggregate reclamation should be effectively used. The byproduct rate is ranging from 30 to 70% depending on the reclamation process. For effective usage of the powder, authors have investigated the characteristics and tested for various usage of the byproduct powder to confirm the maximum powder availability in such products as cement raw material, cement admixture, paving block, construction block, soil reformer and others.
- Keywords:
- Reclaimed Aggregate, Byproduct Powder, Dismantled Concrete, Cement Raw Material, Paving Block