Concrete from a viewpoint of waterproofing
By K. Tanaka
Concrete Journal, Vol.41, No.3, Mar. 2003
- Synopsis
- Concrete is considered to be inherently watertight form waterproofing technology. Nevertheless, waterproofing membranes have been applied on concrete substrates in actural buildings. It is because there are permeable defects such as cracks, cold joints, permeable areas around separators and honeycombs in concrete members. The idea of waterproofing, not for making up for such defects of concrete but working together with concrete, is important to construct impermeable buildings. For making a good waterproofing system, a good concrete substrate is needed. Some requirements for concrete are explained from a viewpoint of waterproofing.
- Keywords:
- waterproofing, watertightness, permeability, concrete, defect