Use of Imported Sand to Compensate
for the Shortage of Sea Sand in the Kansai Bloc
By H. Mine, T. Asahina, Y. Imaura and S. Nimura
Concrete Journal, Vol.40, No.4, Apr. 2002
- Synopsis
- At present, the sea sand used in conrete in the Kansai Bloc is obtained from the Chugoku, Shikoku, and Kyushu Districts, areas in which sand collection will be restricted or prohibited in several years. Therefore, the industry is now investigating the use of crushed sand, fine slag aggregate, recycled fine aggregate, and inmported fine aggregate in concrete. Of the fine aggregates produced in significant quanitities by foreign countries, this paper focuses on river sand from the People's Republic of China and reports on the problems and supply and quality control issues involved with the use of imported fine aggregate.
- Keywords:
- Min Jiang river sand, sea sand, aggregate supply systems, aggregate quality control, alkali-silica reaction, properties of concrete