Japanese Architectural Standard Specification
"JASS 5 N Reinforced Concrete Work at Nuclear Power Plants"
Published by Architectural Institute of Japan
By H. Kasami
Concrete Journal, Vol.40, No.3, Mar. 2002
- Synopsis
- The third revision of Architectual Standard Specification "JASS 5 N, Reinforced Concrete Work at Nuclear Power Plants", was published in 2001 by the Architectural Institute of Japan. This revision was made in order to keep up with the progress in technical research and with advances in materials, as wel as to keep the compatibility with JASS 5, Reinforced Concrete Work, which covers reinforced concrete buildings in general and was newly revised in 1997. The contents of the revised JASS 5 N were introduced. Section 2 "Performance Requirements of Structures and Members", section 11 "Cold Weather Concreting" and section 12 "Hot Weather Concreting" were newly established, and durability design strength, low heat portland cement, superplasticized high-performance concrete are newly defined, as well as the revision of correction values of concrete strength "T" and "S" and the range of design strength for high-strength concrete.
- Keywords:
- standard specification, reinforced concrete work, nuclear power plants, mass concrete, shielding concrete, quality standard strength, correction value of concrete strength in terms of anticipated mean curing temperature.