Durability and Load Capacity Experiment for RC Gerber Type ARAKAWA Bridge Serving for 63 years
By K. Hirose, M. Hatta, N. Nomura and Y. Tanaka
Concrete Journal, Vol.39, No.11, Nov. 2001
- Synopsis
- Reinforced Gerber type concrete ARAKAWA bridge which was built in 1938, has been investigated to clarify the concrete material strength, carbonation and mixed material proportion through the non-destructive test and core sampling. The shear loading capacity test in the job site for the Gerber hinged girder and its structural evaluation for the shear resistance were conducted to verify the prediction method of the structural diagnosis for the similar type of bridges. It is also planning that verification data would be obtained through conducting the accelerated deterioration experiment using the RC beams cut from ARAKAWA Bridge in order to clear the relationship between the structural deterioration and the correded reinforced concrete. The information obtained from those experiments would certainly offer the fundamental structural diagnosis for RC Gerber type concrete bridge as well as the verification data for the lifecycle-cost evaluation for RC structures.
- Keywords:
- Gerber type concrete bridge, diagnosis for the bridge deterioration, shear loading capacity, Gerber hinge, corrosion of the reinforcing bars, bridge maintenance.