Technology Development for Quality Enhancement of Shotcrete
By Y. Ishizeki, Y. Hosokawa, T. Nishimura and T. Uomoto
Concrete Journal, Vol. 39, No.10, Oct. 2001
- Synopsis
- Upon the application of shotcrete in nowadays construction of primary tunnel lining, the effects of material, mix proportion, and shooting conditions on the quality and shooting property of shocrete have not been clarified. Therefore, currently, shotcrete is applied with mix proportions and shooting conditions obtained from practical experiences. The goal of this development is to obtain a high quality shotcrete with high strength, shooting quality and durability. That goal is achieved just only when the effects of various factors, such as material, mix proportion, construction apparatus, and operation conditions, are clarified. In this document, the influences of various factors on the quality of shotcrete are reported and the validity of quality prediction using neural network for primary tunnel lining is described.
- Keywords:
- shotcrete, shooting property, distribution of accelerator concentration, impact force, durability, velocity of particles, quality prediction