Total Construction Waste Material Routine Collection System
By M. Ohira
Concrete Journal, Vol.39, No.10, Oct. 2001
- Synopsis
- Common separation rules have been established at all the company's work sites, and a system to routinely collect all the waste materials, by item, generated at consturction sites has been built. The aim of the system is to increase recycling, and this is the first of its kind in the industry to collect waste materials, by item, from all work sites, in the same way as household garbage is collected. A feature of the system is that in addition to recycled waste products such as waste wood, wastepaper, plasterboard, rock wool, concrete, ALC and PVC pipes, mixed waste products, which had been difficult to recycle, are being separated into "burnable" and "nonburnable" mixed waste, and thermal recycling is being undertaken.
- Keywords:
- routine collection system, enviromental conservation total management system, centralized manifest record management, separation containers, construction waste materials