Effects of Chemical admixture and Mineral admixture on the Penetration of Chloride Ion and Chloride Binding Capacity
By N. Tsuyuki, Y. Umemura
Concrete Journal, Vol.39, No.7, Jul. 2001
- Synopsis
- Durability of the salt damage to reinforced concrete and prestress concrete structures has now become a very important subject. Accordingly, it would be necessary to clarify the effect of the concrete mix materials on the process of chloride-induced corrosion of concrete. The chemical admixtures such as superplasticizer have been developed, and the mineral admixtures such as blast furnance slag are now indispensable for production of high-flowability concrete and high-strength concrete. Considering the above situations, this study is base research aiming at effect of differences in the major constituents of superplasticizers and mineral admixtureson the processes of chloride ion penetrations and binding in hardened mortar.
- Keywords:
- salt injury, chloride ion, Friedel's salt, chemical admixture, mineral admixture, superplasticizer, blast furnance slag, fly ash, lime power