Technical Trend for Rational Construction of Concrete Structures
By Y. Ito, K. Ozawa, S. Ushijima and T. Watanabe
Concrete Journal, Vol.39, No.6, Jun. 2001
- Synopsis
- The Millennium Project's "Research Into a Next-Ganeration Construction System Using High-Quality Concrete" has been underway since 2000. As part of their research, the authors are investigating the rational construction techniques of concrete structures, and have arrived at a classification of the four elemental techniques of a) lifting and erection, b) formwork, c) reinforceing steel bar work, and d) concreting. This report introduces each elemental technique. The development of each elemental technique has relied on advances in mechanization and automation, and this trend is predicted to continue through additional advances in information technology ("IT"). Morever, a change in design focus (from conservation of materials to conservation of working time) is currently advancing in the field of structural design, as new shapes and re-bar arrangements pave the way for rational construction.
- Keywords:
- rational construction, lifting, erection, formwork, reinforceing steel bar works, concreting