Application of High Volume Fly-Ash Concrete Blocks for the Mounds Coastal Fishing Grounds
By K. Fukudome, T. Suzuki, E. Saitoh and S. Nagataki
Concrete Journal, Vol.38, No.12, Dec. 2000
- Synopsis
- The development of fishing grounds have been proceeding by creating artificially up-welling currents through the construction of large sea mounds. While the creation of artificial upwelling currents requires large sea mound, use of fly ash has been studied from a viewpoint of effective resource utilization. Such studies have resulted in the development of high Volume Fly-Ash Concrete using a large amount of fly ash. This paper describes the High Volume Fly-Ash Concrete and the development of Mounds Coastal Fishing Grounds.
- Keywords:
- Coastal Upwelling, Mounds Fishing Grounds, Fly-Ash, High Volume Fly-Ash Concrete Blocks, GPS