State-of-the-arts in Seismic Rehabilitation of Concrete Buildings
By S. Sugano
Concrete Journal, Vol.38, No. 11, Nov. 2000
- Synopsis
- The states of practice and research on seismic rehabilitation of concrete buildings are described with emphasis of those after the 1995 Hyogoken-Nanbu Earthquake, Many cases of seismic exaluation and seismic rehabilitation of existing building are reported recently, however, a large number of vulnerable buildings haveno yet been seismically evaluated and rehabilitated. Many rehabilitation techniques have been improved or newly developed to achieve 1) short construction period, 2) no removal of occupants and 3) reduction of hindrance resulting from construction. Corresponding to the strong social demands for the seismic rehabilitation without loss of building function and evacuation of occupants, the researches on 1) column jacketing with continuous fibers, 2) strengthening existing frames with new external structures and 3) response control techniques using seismic isolation and supplemental damping system have been conducted.
- Keywords:
- seismic rehabilitation, seismic evaluation, rehabilitaion techniques, strengthening, seismic isolation, supplemental damping, response control