The Application of Water Jet Technology to Surface Preparation and Removal on Concrete Structures
By K. Shito, Y. Kamihigashi, S. Nojima and A. Yoshida
Concrete Journal, Vol.38, No.8, Aug., 2000
- Synopsis
- Cracks and spalls on the surface of concrete structures due to premature deterioration have been arising as a social issue, recently. Therefore, rehabilitation projects by placing new concrete around existing concrete are increasing in order to repair deteriorated concrete structures and to retrofit seismically. However, the design standard and it's engineering proof to combine new and old concrete, such as required bond characteristics and the methods to create roughened surface internationally, are not clearly established yet. This paper describes our research results that enable both (1) surface preparation technology and (2) removal technology to be applied to actual concrete repair works. When combining new and old concrete to repair, strengthen, recover functioning of structures, these technologies are essential for the combined structure resisting external forces as one solid member.
- Keywords:
- water jet, concrete, combining new and old concrete, rehabilitation, surface preparation, removal, deterioration, chloride induced deterioration, carbonation