Diagnosis of Reinforced Concrete Structures by Acoustic Emission
By M.Ohtsu
Concrete Journal,Vol.38,No.7,Jul.,2000
- Synopsis
- Acoustic emission (AE) techniques are extensively studied in concrete engineering and are recently going to be applied to practical use. In particular,the increase of aging structures and the disastrous damage due to earthquakes substantially demand for the maintenance of reinforced concrete (RC) structures in service. It results in the need for the development of advanced and effective inspection techniques. Acoordingly,AE techniques draw an attention for diagnostic applications to RC structures. By several authorities,activities for the standardization of AE testing procedures are in progress. Taking into account these activities,the updated findings and trends on AE research are summarized.
- Keywords:
- acoustic emmision,nondestructive testing,damage,rate process analysis, crack,moment tensor analysis,Kaiser effect,inspection