High-Fluidity Concrete Containing a Large Amount of Fly Ash, 40-70%
By T. Narita, M. Kato and K. Inoue
Concrete Journal, Vol.38, No. 6, Jun. 2000
- Synopsis
- So far, intensive studies on high-fluidity concrete containing fly ash have been accumulate. According to the recommendations of Japan Society of Civil Engineers (JSCE) and Architectural Institute of Japan (AIJ), the limit of substitution of the fly ash for the cement is less than 30%. In this paper, we designed a new method of the high-fluidity concrete containing a large amount of fly ash, such as 40 to 70%. The compressive strength of the high-fluidity concretes which ware prepared from the method was also studied.
- Keywords:
- fly ash, high-fluidity concrete, mixing rate, mix design