Concrete Protection in Chloride Contaminated Harsh Environments
-The Key to Durable Service Life-
By R. N. Swamy, T. Oshiro, H. Hamada and S. Tanikawa
Concrete Journal, Vol.38, No.3, Mar. 2000
- Synopsis
- Experience in the last forty to fifty years shows that current design specifications, even if properly implemented, do not provide for adequate resistance of portland cement concrete to aggressive environments. Premature deterioration of concrete structures is still unacceptably high, and corrosion of reinforcement continues to represent the single largest cause of deterioration of reinforced concrete structures. This paper discusses on effective utilization of (1) mineral admixtures decreasing water permeability and chloride diffusivity of hardened concrete matrix, and (2) concrete surface coating materials preventing the ingress of deleterious agents into concrete. Including these two engineering countermeasures, overall design concept on durability enhancement of concrete structures under chloride contaminated harsh environments is discussed in this report.
- Keywords:
- design, durability, chlorides, harsh environments, mineral admixtures, protective coating