Current Status and Future of Continuous
Fiber Reinforcement(FRP)
By Takehiko Maruyama
Concrete Journal,Vol.35,No.5,May 1997
- Synopsis
- FRP is characterized by its high strength,lightness in weight,its non-corrosive and non-magnetic properties and its use as a reinforcement capable of replacing steel is expected to become widespread.It is almost ten years since FRP reinforcement was first used in actual concrete structures in Japan.At first,its use was mostly limited to factory-fabricated prestressed concrete members but as the number of installations grew,its use spread to in-situ concrete structures,ground anchors and to restrative reinforcement, among others.The use of high tension "multi-type" FRP reinforcement is also growing.The selection of FRP as a reinforcement material is not simply due to its non-corrosiveness but also to its lightness and its ability to transmit electromagnetic waves.Despite the high expections regarding around the world,however,its use is only slowly.This paper looks at the evolvement and the current status of FRP reinforcement both in Japan and other countries,and will consider its economic and other drawback as well as its future prospects.
- Keywords:
- continuous fiber reinforcement,FRP,installations,purpose of FRP use,design standards, FRP overseas