Long-Term Exposure Test on Cracks & Reinforcing Steel Corrosion in Cracked Concrete
(Results after 42 Year Exposure Test in Shiozawa,Niigata Pref.,Japan)
By M.Kodera,S.Tsuchida,T.Miyagawa and S.Tottori
Concrete Journal,Vol.35,No.2,Feb.1997
- Synopsis
- Steel reinforced concrete with pre-induced cracks was subjected to a long-term exposure test in order to observe the changes in crakcs and the progression of corrosion in the reinforcing steel in concrete subject to repeated freezing and thawing in a cold environment.After 42 years exposure,inspection showed that the cover concrete had suffered frost damage,that the pre-induced cracks had grown in size and that new cracks had developed.There was,however,only slight corrosion of the reinforcing steel and little change in its tensile strength.
- Keywords:
- Long-term exposure,frost damage,cracking,corrosion of steel reinforcing,concrete pole.