Model Test on a Prestressed Concrete Precast Segment Continuous
Frame Box Girder Bridge with Internal and External Cables
By T.Matsuda, Y.Yukawa, N.Kawamura and K.Idani
Concrete Journal, Vol.34, No.6, June 1996
- Synopsis
- At present, the Matsuyama Expressway Shinge-nobu Viaduct (bridge length:1,901m) is constructing using precast segmental method. On this project, casting of segment is shortline match cast method, and girder erection is span-by-span method. Also, precast pier segment and cast-in-place pier is connected with U-shapedtendon. This report present the following 3-test result.
- Bending failure test of 1/3 scale model for confirmation at ultimate condition
- Shear strength test of slab key at connection place
- Confirmation test of earthquake-resistant of using U-shaped tendon
- Keywords:
- match casting, precast segment, external tendon, bending failure, increased stress,U-shaped tendon, slab key