State of Grouting Method, and Non-Destructive Tests for PC Bridge
By H.Mochizuki, A.Honma and Y.Kamihigashi
Concrete Journal, Vol.34, No.6, June 1996
- Synopsis
- This paper describes the technique of grouting method which affects to durability of the Prestressed Concrete Bridge, and reports inspection and repair method of the bridge on service. As regard the admixture of the PC grouting material, the high viscosity and non-bleeding type is very effective to prevent leakage during grouting through the comparative experiments of several admixtures. Furthermore, since the grouting works is difficult and insufficient in case of using the bar tendos, because the air void in duct is narrow. Therefore, it is very important to be secure of the enough air-void leased 50-60% in duct, by reference to the criteria of Europe and America. The non-destructive testfor PC bridges will have to be established in order to inspect the state of grouting. TheX-ray film method and hammering-vibration method are considered in this report related with application and efficiency for PC bridges.
- Keywords:
- grouting, admixture, air void, non-destructive test, X-ray film method, hammering-vibration method, inspection